Tuesday, November 30, 2010

80 over 80


Welcome to Slate's 80 Over 80, our annual catalog of the nation's silver lions: fourscore elder statesmen, titans of industry, cultural icons, and notorious newsmakers who have remained influential into their ninth decade and beyond. As always, we've ranked these still-twinkling stars according to their power and importance, with extra credit given for energetic achievements post-80 and for being really, really old.

For the second year in a row, Mormon President Thomas S. Monson stands atop the list. As the divine prophet, seer, and revelator for 5.5 million Americans and more than 12 million people around the world, he's the most powerful 83-year-old we could find. Look for Monson to stay on top for years to come—at least until Boyd K. Packer, octogenarian president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, succeeds him as the alpha Mormon.

Prophet Thomas S. Monson


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

I have been a really good girl this year. I have changed numerous diapers without any complaining. I have made my bed almost everyday this year. I really don't want that much but, I'm just throwing out a couple suggestion for you.



Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Olivia

Dear Adorable Olivia,

I just wanted to let you know that last year you caused me a lot of pain and much sleep deprivation. I didn't love those labor pains and excessive weight gain that comes with bearing a child. However, I love my battle wounds because they represent my sweet energetic ball of energy. You are just to cute. I love finding you in random drawers throughout our home. I love how you follow me around and make me feels as if I were a celebrity. I love how you are always happy and can cheer me up when I don't see much light in the day. I love you Olivia, There is no greater gift to be a wife and mother. Who doesn't want to love and be loved in return.



Thursday, November 4, 2010

Wee the People of the United States

I'm loving how free people has a line for little tots now called Wee People.

Trains, Planes and Automobiles

Dear Bella and Sophia,

Okay, I hope that you are checking your blogs or have figured out how to blog stock me. Because, Olivia Birthday is on Tuesday and she wants to see her cousins so I'm given you three option how to get to the party.
1. Trains
2. Planes
3. Automobiles
P.S. Pack adorable Nolan in you suitcase and tell Carson that we will get him some World Serious Gear if I get to see his presence.


Aunt Tatum

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Steak Salad

Cont. Boo Day

Boo Day

Opus 23

To do list

1. Take Olivia to the Beach
2. Start Writing my talk for church.
3. Make party hats and decoration for Olivia big day next week.
4. Start my Thanksgiving/Christmas baby proof tree.
5. Help Mike put up Christmas lights.
6. Upload pictures of Olivia on the blog.